Friday, September 18, 2009


Wow this week has been eventful. We have not only been to the Bone Marrow Clinic 3 days out of 5, but he has also seen a urologist, and a cardiologist. He has been getting up a lot at night to go to the bathroom, so the urologist started him on a another pill, but that one also made him extremely dizzy, to where he couldn't stand up very well without feeling like he was going to fall, and one morning he did fall. So we stopped taking that pill. Then the doctors thought he should see a cardiologist to help regulate his blood pressure, it keeps going very low at times and makes him very lightheaded. So we saw him and he didn't want Kurt to take anything else, because of all the side effects, and he thinks he has enough to deal with right now. So nothing was really fixed, and they said we would just have to take it a day at a time and see if things get better. When his blood pressure has been low, the bone marrow doctors loaded him up on IV fluids, and it seems to help. So now every day, I have to give him fluids through his central ports which takes about 1 1/2 hours, and also magnesium, which takes about 5-6 hours, then I have to flush the lines out and fill them with heparin. Besides all of this, there is the blood sugar checks and insulin shots, because of the steroids, he has steroid induced diabetes, and all of the medications to keep track of. I can't believe I'm doing all of these things without a nursing degree. I just might change vocations once this is all done.
They still say he is doing well, most people are just getting out of the hospital right now, and he has been home for 2 1/2 weeks! They told us his counts are very good, and in time he will get better. Everyday is different, some days are better than others. We just keep hanging in there, and know that it will get better someday. Thanks again for your concern.

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