Saturday, March 28, 2009

The fever finally broke!

Well I called Kurt yesterday morning and he told me that the fever had broke. I was so estatic. I came up that afternoon and he was doing really well. He was talking more to me, and then he went for a walk. He hadn't done that in 8 days. It was so good to see him be more of himself. Then he ate some dinner. It was my birthday that day, and he said that I wanted this for my present, so he gave it to me. But now today, I came up, and he was doing even better, he was on the computer, and it was great to see him this way. But then he got up to go to the bathroom, and I went to get him something, and when I came back he was shaking again. I told the nurse, and they took his temp, and it had started going up again. Now where just trying to find out why. I will get back to this and keep you posted. They gave him some demoral to help with the shaking, so most of the day is has just been sleeping. They keep coming in and checking his fever, and it goes up and down, but he seems comfortable right now. I will stay most of the night again and help him. This is going to be very frustrating and long to get him better. I think we will learn the virture of patience. They did give us some encouraging news today, that his nutrifil (and I'm sure I'm not spelling any of the medical words right) was slowing going up, in order for him to go home his count needs to be 500 and his today were 32, a little ways to go, but at least it's better than 0. We are so grateful for small things now a days!

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