Friday, April 3, 2009

He's Home!!!

Well they said yesterday, because he was doing so well, they might kick him out, and they did. We're so happy that they let him go home. He is so happy to be home and just enjoying every moment. Kelli, Cher, and my sister Kristy came today in the morning and cleaned our house all day. They will never know how grateful we both are for that. It smelled so clean and looked so nice. Thank you very much!! Then he decided he wanted some chinese food so I went and order some by at a place by our house and it did taste good. Now we are going to attempt to watch a movie, but I bet we'll both fall asleep. Thanks again for everyone and how great they have been to us!

Kurt with our favorite nurse Ben Johnson.


  1. HOME SWEET HOME!!! How wonderful. Have a great weekend enjoying the beautiful "spring" weather and General Conference. What could be sweeter. We are so happy!

  2. There is no place like home!!! You don't know how happy we are for you! Hopefully he will continue to get stronger and beat this. Good-luck in the process. Let us know what we can do to help. I am always available. Love you guys. The Farnsworth's
